Collection, this may be another most advanced section in Java. I think you may hear that there are so many things to learn about Collections. Let's begin our journey.
What is the Collection & Collection framework?
- The collection is just a collection of objects or data.
- The Java collection framework is an architecture that is used to manage collections in Java.
- The Java Collection framework consists of interfaces, implementations and also algorithms.
Core collection interface hierarchy
As you can see, Map is a separate collection interface. Because it stores values with a key.
Advanced collection hierarchy
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How to select which Collection is needed?
Collection hierarchy is a big one, but you can identify it easily. Look at the following diagram. Begin with the blue color checking statement.
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Collection vs Collections
- The collection is an interface and it is the root interface of the Java Collection framework.
- Collections is a utility class which is from java.util package.
- Collections class consists of core methods that can be used commonly with List, Set and Queue.
- There are so many methods that are defined in the Collections class.
List vs Set vs Queue vs Map
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Advantages of using the Collection framework
- No need to learn new APIs or create new APIs.
- Increase speed and interoperability.
- Reduce programming effort.
- It increases software reuse.
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